About Us

About Us

We are a community of concerned fellow drivers working to make the roads safer through education and awareness. We do this with practical, easy-to-read bumper stickers highlighting common driving issues we all deal with daily.


Our Mission

To promote safe and responsible driving in our community by raising awareness to drive with respect.

We are one big community, and we all use the roads to get somewhere.
It does take a few important ingredients to keep safe.
If we work together we can make the roads a fun and respectful drive.
Let’s respect each other, maybe even smile.
We all could use some more patience- let someone enter your lane, don’t be annoying and drive slow in the fast lane. Breath before you honk.
As individuals, we are responsible for our driving, as we have an impact on every single person on the road.
Be kind. Maybe that driver just had a really bad day.
We can all make the road a much more pleasant drive.

How it All Started

From rude remarks and hand gestures to crashes and even death, we found that many drivers desperately need more awareness and education about good driving behaviors for safer roads and fewer fatalities. After 15 years of driving almost a half million miles, we were ready for a positive change! It was time to act.

We began to look at ways to help other drivers safely. We explored fancy digital reader boards you could set in the window of your car to display messages to other drivers. We looked at other expensive technical solutions to help us get our message out. But we found them all too complicated and costly for such a simple and effective idea.

After much thinking, we decided a better approach would be a high-quality sticker you could display on your vehicle’s bumper. Bumper stickers are inexpensive, so everyone can afford to participate. Bumper stickers can be produced and shipped quickly, so there won’t be inventory issues. And finally, more than one message can be displayed by adding bumper stickers to your car.

Before we knew it, we were developing a business plan and gathering a team of professionals to help us get our message and product out to other concerned drivers who want to make a difference. We haven’t looked back since.